Jeffrey Heinzen specializes in the development of effective ISO 9001 based quality management systems. He is the President and Principal Consultant of Quality System Associates, Inc., of Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Mr. Heinzen has assisted a diverse group of industries and organizations with the documentation and implementation of the ISO 9001 requirements and possesses a perfect record of ISO 9001 Registration success. The client list of Quality Systems Associates, Inc. includes numerous local, state and national award-winning organizations.
Mr. Heinzen has developed extensive quality management system training materials and has conducted seminars and consultation services to manufacturing, service, marketing, health, and educational institutions throughout the country. Since 1993, over 5,000 participants have attended his training programs. He also possesses broad experience with the implementation, training and maintenance of employee involvement/quality improvement teams with a proven track record of cost reductions and quality improvements. Mr. Heinzen is an Exemplar Global, (formerly known as RABQSA) Certified Quality Management System Master Auditor (QMS-MA). Under international guidelines he is qualified to perform ISO 9001 series quality management system audits, and has been selected as a candidate examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
He is a member of the of the American Society for Quality (ASQ), ASQ Quality Audit Division, ASQ Automotive Division, Association for Quality & Participation (AQP), and is a Certified Employee Involvement Facilitator. His works have been published in numerous trade journals and he is a frequent guest speaker on quality management system topics.
Mr. Heinzen is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, is listed in the 2001 edition of Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals, and is an inductee of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He has been chosen as a recipient of the University of Wisconsin Outstanding Alumni Award, and was awarded 2002 Businessman of the Year by the National Republican Congressional Committee for his role on their Business Advisory Council.
He brings a practical, proven approach to quality management system improvement through an extensive background in interpreting and applying the Standards. This “hands-on” experience facilitates the avoidance of documentation rework and promotes a streamlined cost-effective approach to quality management system implementation which is focused on the continuous quality improvement of the organization.